Creative Consulting
No matter what level in your professional career, it all starts with having a well-curated portfolio and website to share with your prospective clients. With more than 15 years of experience working in advertising and publishing, I have a keen eye for identifying impactful images all while recommending the right artist for the project. I know what sells, what gets you hired, and what makes clients call you back.
Not only that but I'm passionate about helping you identify and reach your goals. Because everyone's goals are unique, I offer a wide range of services including a free half-hour consult to discuss your needs and make sure we're a good fit.
My mission is to help you succeed and flourish as a working artist.
You only have moments to impress producers, editors and agents as they browse your portfolio and website. I'll identify your strengths and weaknesses, sharpen your point of view, establish a flow and curate the right selection of images for your target audience.
Standard packages include:
Website edit and evaluation based on submitting up to 500 images
Portfolio edit and evaluation based on submitting up to 500 images
Combined website and portfolio edit and evaluation
Please contact me for rates. I can also custom design a service based on your unique needs.
I'll help you create a marketing plan or take a look at your current one and find ways to improve it. We'll explore which clients to target, how often to reach out and in what capacity.
Looking to refresh your work and gain some new clients? Test shoots can be the catalyst to push you towards ground-breaking work. Let’s collaborate on a concept and bring it to life. I’ll help you brainstorm ideas, build a shotlist geared towards what brands find appealing, create a target brand list, and even provide on-set art direction. Then I’ll help edit the images and determine the best approach for marketing your work.
Need a gallery or space to showcase your artwork? Perhaps you’re interested in exploring art fairs and open calls for presenting your work at a juried exhibition. Maybe you need a grant to complete or extend the scope of your art practice or you’re looking for a residency. I can help you identify these resources, recommend the best fit and conduct outreach on your behalf. I’ll even curate the most compelling and appropriate images for your show, develop an artist statement that best represents you and work, and determine how to best display your images.
Have a passion project that you have a desire to start or finish? I’ll edit the images and help you find a home to showcase your artwork.
I'll identify images for your promo piece and narrow down your target audience based on mailing/directory lists.
I can help edit your book cover to cover so that it's ready for publishing and most importantly, purchasing.
Need some assistance defining your goals, determining if and when you need an agent, advice on how to score the next job, etc.? Sometimes all it take is a phone call and a chat.
Please contact me for individual rates. Package rates are also available. If you're looking for assistance with a service not listed, please contact me to see how I may assist you.